… Sing
because this is the food
our starving world needs.

… Laugh
because that is
the purest sound.

HAFIZ (Persian poet and Sufi master, c.1320-1389)


Voice’s primary aspect is an innate program for vocal expression of emotions

Juslin & Timmers (2011) Expression and communication of emotion in music

Voice is most important vehicle for human communication

Benninger (2010) The Human Voice, Evolution and Performance


Singing is the true mother tongue of all human beings, for it is the most natural and simplest way in which we are there undividedly and can open up our hearts – together with all our experiences, our emotions, our hopes.

Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Il Canot del Mondo, Düsseldorf, Germany


Rap lyrics developed during Rap & Sing Music Therapy study:

Being a bully isn’t very cool

If you like to bully, you will look like a fool.

Stop spreading hate and instead lend a hand

This is what the world should start to understand!

Pesten is niet leuk.

Pesten moet je kappen.

Dat is wat de hele wereld moet snappen!

Uhlig, S.  Teens R(h)apsody – Rap & Sing Music Therapy for enhancement of emotion regulation in a school setting, PhD study, 2019. Translation of original Dutch lyrics developed by participants of Rap & Sing Music Therapy.


“You might take my life …

But you can’t take my soul!

You can’t take my soul! …

Refuse to be a product or brand,

I’m human

Refuse to contribute to the gangster Illusion

Whether I’m number One,

Number two, or Number Three

I’m unique

and there will never be another me

and there never be another you

be proud of who you are,

don’t copy what the others do

they are not superior,

you are not inferior …

But every time I try to sleep

I hear the devil singing’’

Rapper Lowkey – My Soul, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgYVDdQJYXM


RAP: Consequently, the instrument [voice] is not simple an object or vehicle for displaying one’s talent, it is a ‘colleague in the creation’ of rap.

Rose (1994) Back Noise, Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America.

Rap itself is a primary vocal expression of emotional and cultural values sustained by a rhythm.

Uhlig (2011) Rap & Singing for emotional and cognitive development.
